Okay.. so I am a blog slacker. These are some more recent pictures of Jackson.. My mom and Bob came April 7-15, it was soo much fun to have them here. We did ALOT of shopping, I know such a shocker :) It was a great visit, I just wish it was a couple days longer!!
Jackson is going to be 2 in August, I cant believe it. He is getting so big. It is crazy how much he is changing each day. He has such a sense of humor, he loves to hide things behind his back and say "where is it?" He is talking ALOT, you know I understand most of the conversation. He also mimics everything we do, it is so funny. He LOVES shoes (should I be worried LOL) and most of all his daddy. When daddy is around, I cease to exist. It is ok.. I know he loves me :)
Brad and I are doing well. We are waiting to see where Brad is going to go to school next year. Then, we will be packing up and moving to where ever that is :) Life is an adventure right now. I am still a stay at home mom and LOVE it..well most days :)
That is the update on us.. I will try to be better about posting pictures!!